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My screen material has wrinkles or waves


How does this happen? 

Occasionally the vinyl projection screen materials that ship with our fixed frame screen may arrive with some wrinkles or waves due to the shift during shipping. See the video below for an example:

 It is also caused and sealed by changing temperatures/environments from the origin to the destination.

Note: Sometimes the wrinkles are a result of an error during assembly. Check out this page for tip and tricks on how to stretch the material so that tension is not causing wrinkles.

How can I fix it?

The majority of the time these wrinkles will disappear after the screen material is stretched on the frame properly for a period of time. Vinyl is very stretchy and should usually relax on its own once tensioned, but it sometimes needs some additional help to fully relax to its desired smooth appearance.

If after this time, the wrinkles or waves have not disappeared on their own, feel free to follow the instructions below to help the material smooth out. Scroll to the bottom to see the video demonstration of options 2 and 3.


Option 1:

1. Assemble the frame and stretch the material to it so that tension is pulling it flat.

2. Using the central heating system in your theater, turn the heat to a temperature that will relax the material. This could be about 90 degrees for a couple hours. You may notice that the material will sag. The HC material is thicker and may take more time and/or warmer temperatures.

3. Cool the material down while it is still stretched flat. The molecules will retract again into the shape it is in while it is stretched, which will make it flat.

4. For best results, you should attempt steps 2 and 3 again if you still see slight wrinkles.


Option 2:

1. With the help of another adult, lift the frame with the screen already tensioned. Bring it into direct sunlight. Be careful not to bump into anything that could damage the frame or screen.

2. Face the back of the screen towards the sun. Even in cold and windy weather, direct sunlight will warm the screen and relax the material. The white and grey materials have a back that is black, which makes the screen warm up very quickly. 

3. The material will become loose and flexible in the frame and dip in the middle. Hold for about 10 to 60 minutes in direct sunlight, depending on the severity of the wrinkles or the climate. The HC material is thicker and may take more time and/or warmer temperatures.

4. Bring the material out of direct sunlight and into normal temperature. This will cool the material down and it will become taut once again without wrinkles.

5. If the wrinkles haven't come out, you will need to repeat the process and probably leave it in the sun even longer.


Option 3:

NOTE: Blow dryers vary in intensity, so begin this method at the coolest setting. Too much heat and you risk melting the screen, which may disturb the reflected image on the front of the screen. Use extreme caution if you use this method.

1. Give yourself access to the back of the material. Have a blow dryer (not a heat gun) and a thin, damp towel available to you.

2. Place the cloth on the front of the screen to protect the viewing surface while you work on the back of the material. Only blow on sections of the screen that have the damp cloth on the front side.

3. Use the blow dryer about 12" away from the back of the material and begin blowing warm air at the material.

4. Constantly move the blow dryer. Never stay in one spot for too long. Use quick and broad sweeping motions.

5. Work in 2' x 2' sections at a time so you can keep track of where you have been. Warm the screen and use your free hand to touch the material and make sure it is getting warm but not getting too hot.

6. Stop warming it and let it cool. The material should relax to its natural, smooth shape as it cools off.

7. If the wrinkles haven't subsided, you need to repeat the process and possibly warm it for longer.

UST Materials

Materials should be installed in an environmentally controlled room.  Changing conditions to the environment can affect the material.  


Further Questions?

Please contact us at if you have any issues with remaining wrinkles or waves in your projection screen material.